Academic and Career Planning

Academic & Career Planning

For students in grades K-6, we are focused on the improvement of academic self-concept leading to lifelong learners and self management that provide the foundation for Academic and Career Planning at the secondary level. Many opportunities exist to enrich the curriculum at all grades. Students in grades K-6 are provided are introduced to academic and career planning. The middle school grade 7-8 are provided with field experiences, classroom presentations, co-curriculuar and advisory opportunities that integrate self-knowledge into life and career paths. The high school grades 9-12  receive knowledge of how to obtain information about the world of work  and post-secondary training through Personal Growth Periods. Students are also exposed to Naviance, which is are comprehensive college and career readiness platform  that aligns student strengths and interests to postsecondary goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life.

The Hoboken Public School District is committed to providing a solid foundation for all students to be successful in their chosen path after graduation. In a 21st century economy, our students will need to pursue some postsecondary education to successfully navigate most careers that they may choose. However, accessing postsecondary education is only the first step toward success. Success after high school also includes completion of postsecondary education and/or training, attainment of a career that provides a family sustaining wage, and support for informed citizenship in our global economy.

To ensure our graduates are college and career ready, all students have created an Individual Learning Plan which is a student-directed, multi-year, dynamic tool that maps academic plans, personal/social growth, and career development activities while taking into account the student’s unique, self-defined interests, needs, and goals for the attainment of postsecondary success.

The Individual Learning Plan instrument maps the student’s journey across the three college and career readiness domains: academic, personal/social, and workplace readiness. The Individual Learning Plan in conjunction to  with Naviance will help assist in:

  • The student’s interests, strengths, and potential barriers across the academic, personal/social, and workplace readiness domains

  • The student’s short and long term academic, personal, and career goals

  • Course selections, grades, supports and interventions, assessment results, capstone projects, and/or portfolios

  • Participation in career awareness, exploration, and immersion activities

  • Career interest survey results

  • Results of participation in postsecondary education search and planning to identify level of postsecondary education required (e.g., certificate, associate degree, or bachelor degree) for identified career interest

  • Out of school activities that promote student independence and learning such as completing driver’s education and earning a driver’s license, paid employment, volunteer experiences, or engaging in community service opportunities not connected to school

  • Concrete next steps across the academic, personal/social, and workplace readiness domains


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